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Adventures with Charles & Pinky

We’re so happy you’re here!

SV Loka is a 2006 Caliber 47 LRC, a 47′ sailing yacht, owned by Pinky and Charles Parsons. Purchased in 2022, Loka is our home as we embark on our transition from land-based life to fulltime liveaboard cruising life. As we begin our journey, we hope that you’ll enjoy following along, starting with our adventures in buying the boat, getting her ready to set sail, and cruising down the US East Coast to the Bahamas and beyond.

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu in sanskrit

Don’t you mean loco?

Yes, we get it. It’s an unfamiliar name with some similarities. Well, you could call us loco (wouldn’t be the first time!), but loka is something a little different. The short explanation is that loka means “world” in Sanskrit. Why choose a word from a dead language? It’s short, and it’s easy to spell and say quickly over VHF.

If you’re wondering, there is more to it than that to us. We wanted a word that would represent this exciting journey into the next big phase of our lives. Ascending into different lokas seems to reflect our goals of ascending into new experiences and expanding our minds.

“a concept in Hinduism and other Indian religions, that may be translated as a planet, the universe, a plane, or a realm of existence.

… a mental state that one can experience.

… home to various divine beings, and one takes birth in such realms based on their karma.”


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bright neon blue water, flat calm, extends to the horizon. above, a deep blue sky with white whispy mare's tail type clouds
Long Island, Bahamas, March 2024